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A Season of Self Care

This is for women who feel so busy, yearning for more connection and Joy in their lives.
A 16 week online adventure to self care and love.

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and want to feel in control of your life, your health and show up as the best you for your family and work, join A Season of Self Care.

This is Self Care that gives you a happy squidgy feeling inside... 

This is self care that transforms your attitude towards yourself so that you effortlessly want to look after your body and do the things you love. 


Loving yourself and infusing Self Care is like watering a seed, then sitting back to reap the harvest, watching your life change in remarkable ways.


This course is for You if ....


  •  You want more from life than the daily grind, you yearn for spaciousness for yourself, to express yourself, and feel you are living up to your potential.

  • You do not have time for the things that bring joy into your life, so despite being a creative person your life is filled with logistical stuff which just doesn’t light you up.

  • You are not choosing your joy and creativity because you put others first. 

  • You look in the mirror you see you are not prioritising looking after your body.

  • You try to begin health regimes and repeatedly fail. You are not sticking to your health goals and are not happy with your body

  • You want to feel confident in your body, with the clothes you wear and see results in your health, like that extra weight coming off, eating more healthily etc… AND  Loving your body again.

  • You find life's responsibilities overwhelming, leading to stress and exhaustion on a daily, its affecting your relationships and how you show up in life.        (For example ,You are exhausted and end up snapping at your loved ones, collapsing after the kids are in bed and turning on a Netflix box set. You stay up late watching that one last episode and your intentions of tomorrows health goals are out the window as you wake up feeling tired again. )

  • You are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and want to feel in control of your life, your health and show up as the best you for your family and work.​


If you relate to the above I know you will get SO much from A Season of Self Care …

A Season of Self Care

is an opportunity to join others on a journey of self improvement. It is 16 week program, a combination of self study with weekly videos/audios and live coaching zoom calls to inspire and dive deeper, community support with a private group and accountability partners creating a transformational experience for you.

Hi I'm Ruth.

I know the struggles above as I spent my early adulthood in the frustrating cycle of wanting to look after myself but somehow not doing it! I ended up doing everything and more for others and feeling exhausted myself.

My sparkle and joy for life was dulled ...

I knew there was more and I had dreams... 

Realising I was not alone feeling this way, A Season of Self Care was born;  a cumulation of the practices that turned my life around (and many others now) in a structured 16 week roadmap of self care and love.  I feel excited and equipped to guide you on this beautiful and enjoyable journey.

If I can do it you can!

I can't wait to see how our time together with Self Care and Self Love ripples out into your life with Joy, Confidence, Love, Connection with others and Success.

Here's what some people have said...      

Woman with Warm Jacket

Words can’t describe what a truly wonderful course this is - so life changing and so life affirming! My life just feels so much more easeful, lighter & joyful now, as I am so much more aware of my needs, of checking in with myself & staying in a ‘higher vibrational” place.  My life is also filled with an even deeper sense of gratitude, of connection & peace. 

Just wish ever person on this planet could go on this course! It’s so beautiful, so powerful & so, so enriching. 

This true time just for myself. It was a real gift of self love coming here today"

Smiling Woman
".... a real treat.
Ruth has an infectious enthusiasm. 
Highly recommend.
A great experience."
"Thank you Ruth, as always such a nurturing experience. You created a beautiful place to share practice in a safe and loving way, an invitation to be gentle with myself. Just what I needed."
"I feel so much lighter and this will make such a difference to my life."
"An amazing uplifting , nurturing experience. Ruth is a fantastic teacher with a kind loving energy."
"Ruth holds the space in a loving, caring ,open and authentic to who she is. I didn't feel rushed in any way  and felt that what I was saying was important. It was lovely to be cared for in that way."

Thank you Ruth with all my heart for creating such an incredible course, for taking us all on such an amazing journey & teaching us all such unbelievably precious & important “life skills”. I know I will never look back …

Interested to find out the juicy details and how this course can help you ? AND If you are committed to investing in yourself and have 1-2 hours a week press button below.


I would like to express how wonderful Ruth’s Self Care Course is. I was really feeling depressed after my relationship broke down. I was trying my best to climb out of it but had got into some bad habits and a comfort zone that was keeping me feeling low.

When I saw Ruth’s Season of Self Care course I was immediately drawn to it. Knowing Ruth, I had a feeling it would it would be good. 

The course is so beautifully rich, full of lessons to help you know yourself better.  It has really helped me to feel empowered to make better choices for myself which has impacted all areas of my life. 

I found I was weaving more self care into my days, especially my down days. Having new material to read and focus on each week was really positive for me. A real treat to dive deep into learning more about myself.


Throughout the course I have noticed a real shift, my energy has really increased and I feel HAPPY! I have experienced some real WOW moments too. ALL areas in my life are flourishing. If I have a down day it feels different I’m more caring to myself.

Throughout I have been beautifully supported by Ruth and the other women in the group. Definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Woman with Warm Jacket

"Connecting with others was brilliant, on your own you only have yourself. When there are others you can see it from different perspectives." 

"The course was really helpful and well put together, I thought with lots of tools and suggestions. Bringing the awareness to areas that you may not think about when you think of self care."

"I learnt so many new things. Ruth lead us into lots of areas of self care that I hadn’t payed attention to before."

Smiling Woman
Throughout the course I have felt a kind of softening towards myself and others and more awareness of the gremlins, rules and expectations that we set for ourselves. 
" I didn’t realise how hard I was being on myself and I was looking in perhaps the ‘wrong’ places for self care.." 
"When I get into a low place, the self care course has given me the tools to get out of the down so I can care about myself again." 

"I loved our get togethers online, it felt really lovely to be able to have that space to listen to how everyone was getting on and to share our own stuff, it felt like we became a little family. "

"I really enjoyed the meditations, they were very insightful. I had these aha moments."

"The support from the others in the group was amazing. You can share in a safe place, there was no judging, you are all there for one another and everyone understands." 



This course will  not only change the way you think and feel about yourself, but have a profound impact upon your life.

A little bit about me

I have a degree in Psychology , MA and Post graduate Teaching qualifications. Plus, over 1000 hours of self development and yoga qualifications and  25+ years experience in practice.

I am a Love and Authenticity Practitioner/Coach, Somatic yoga teacher, Reiki 1 and 2 practitioner, Hypopressives facilitator, counsellor and Whole Healer specialising in Self Love, Overwhelm and Burnout. I have been interested in mind body practices for as long as I can remember. I also teach and co-ordinate Teacher Training programs with Heart of Living Yoga.

To gain a greater appreciation of life I have enjoyed additional training in meditation, gentle yoga and relaxation, yoga for ME, children’s yoga, therapeutic yoga, pre and post natal yoga, Somatic yoga and yoga for healthy lower backs.

Interested to find out the juicy details and how this course can help you ? AND If you are committed to investing in yourself and have 1-2 hours a week there is a little form to fill in so I know where to send you the information above.
Woman with Warm Jacket

"I feel I am finally taking care of myself."

"Ruth has been a wonderful mentor, wise yet light in both attitude and direction empowering me to find my own path and holding my hand along the process path. Thank you Ruth."

I am ready to do it all again!! 

"I do alot of self care anyway but then I thought well you can never do enough!! " 

Smiling Woman
"Through this course I have felt gently held, supported and accepted to reconnect with accessible and doable self care acts."  
"My biggest challenge at the start of the course was just liking myself again. Sometimes I forget who I am, the course guided me to connecting back in with myself honestly." 
"An amazing uplifting , nurturing experience. Ruth is a fantastic teacher with a kind loving energy."

"I have discovered that self care is the bedrock of all else and actually by prioritising my self care everything else will fall in to place. I have undone some hard held beliefs which it turns out we’re sabotaging my feelings of wellness and control. As I near the end of my 3 month course with Ruth, I feel better equipped to move forward in my life gently with self love and gratitude at the core to bring me closer to my life visions and aims. I feel aligned and confident. "

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