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One to one Coaching Sessions

Inspiring and empowering you to step into your untapped potential, to develop deep levels of self love and to live a life that uplifts, nourishes and excites you.

From a place of love we heal. True freedom is letting go of that which holds us back and stepping into all possibilities within us to shine our brightest. 

Woman with Warm Jacket

I want to thank you for a beautiful session, you have really helped me by seeing "my guilt" from a higher perspective as a blessing. I was not able to see this as I was so wrapped up in the feeling of perceived guilt.

Smiling Woman

I felt very safe in the space you created between us, and I felt I could share with you without fear of judgement or gossip, and that your gentle direction and questioning lead me to some realisations and links I had not made before, so thank you.


I feel so much lighter and this will make such a difference to my life, last time I had these feelings it took me 3 years to clear!! Thank you from my heart and soul. The session was beautiful, full of so much love and support.

I would love to guide you to feeling lighter and more connected with yourself. Letting go of things that feel heavy and choosing a life that uplifts and excites you.

For the last 25 years self development and growth have been a huge part of my life. My studies in psychology, yoga and Coaching qualifications accelerated my own deep inner growth and transformation. I found myself amazed with the simple yet hugely powerful principles and practices. It was like having a guide book on how to navigate being a human being! 

I began threading these beautiful practices into my daily life and seeing such transformational benefits..... feeling so connected and learning how to nurture and heal myself. 

My life is so rich and satisfying now….. and I am so hugely grateful for this and for my continued growth and learning.


Throughout my life I have had many challenges and obstacles that have encouraged me to grow ………stepping up against these challenges I found ways to navigate through them to create an enriched and beautiful for-filled life that I am living. I would love to facilitate you to do the same. Knowing that I can overcome and heal, I have every confidence that you can too.

LOVE is the key, infusing all with love brings a softness and openness to healing. 


The first step is to book a free clarity call below. 


A free call is available for you.

During this call we will create a clear vision for your future. Uncover hidden challenges that maybe sabotaging your attempts to create this vision. AND discuss how coaching can help you. 

Book a FREE call with me so we can begin.

"Ruth infuses positivity, practicing gentleness and understanding with those she works with.”

Woman with Warm Jacket

Thank you for going the extra mile with me. I really enjoyed our sessions and it guided me to see a better way to own my emotions and address them.

Thanks on the change of perspective re-receiving.
Smiling Woman

So many blessings to you and those you meet will be blessed by your insights, love that you pour out and wonderful way in which you choose to connect.

Thank you Ruth for an insightful coaching session.

I would love to have more coaching sessions with Ruth moving forward as I believe it will be a massive help to me and my business.

Thanks for bringing me back to earth Ruth!

A free call is available for you.

During this call we will create a clear vision for your future. Uncover hidden challenges that maybe sabotaging your attempts to create this vision. AND discuss how coaching can help you. 

Book a FREE call with me so we can begin.

Woman with Warm Jacket

Thank you for your soft and loving approach to your coaching. I have never had this type of experience before and the help you gave. You were genuinely interested in me and helping me. I felt like I had someone cheering me on and I don't really get that in my homelife which is hard sometimes.I think you will help so many people.

Smiling Woman

Ruth holds the space in a loving, caring ,open and authentic to who she is way. I didn't feel rushed in any way which is nice when you are talking and felt that what I was saying was important. It was lovely to be cared for in that way.


Thank you for another great coaching session

Thank you Ruth for bringing your uniqueness, love and compassion to the session.

Professional Qualifications

I love to keep fresh and alive in my practice, so my growth and development in these areas are a big priority for me, and to then share that inspiration with you.

I have a degree in Psychology , MA and Post graduate Teaching qualifications. Plus, over 1000 hours of yoga qualifications. Including Leading Teacher Training programs with Heart of Living Yoga. I am a Love and Authenticity Practitioner/Coach, Somatic yoga teacher, Reiki 1 and 2 practitioner, Hypopressives facilitator, counsellor and most recently qualified in healing energy work with the Whole Healing course. I have been interested in mind body practices for as long as I can remember. 

To gain a greater appreciation of yoga I have  enjoyed additional training in meditation, gentle yoga and relaxation, yoga for ME, children’s yoga, therapeutic yoga, pre and post natal yoga, Gentle Somatic yoga, Heart of Living Yoga Teacher Trainer certification and yoga for healthy lower backs.

And I regularly attend and teach on various retreats, trainings and workshops.

Email me to book a free phone call and see how we can develop a program just for you.

A free call is available for you.

During this call we will create a clear vision for your future. Uncover hidden challenges that maybe sabotaging your attempts to create this vision. AND discuss how coaching can help you. 

Book a FREE call with me so we can begin.

Woman with Warm Jacket

Thank you for making me feel so easy that I was able to talk about myself and being so radiant and beaming happiness. really enjoyed our session, look forward to the next one.

Smiling Woman

Ruth holds the space in a loving, caring ,open and authentic to who she is way. I didn't feel rushed in any way which is nice when you are talking and felt that what I was saying was important. It was lovely to be cared for in that way.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for bringing such warmth and love into the session and for being so different from anything else I have ever experienced before.

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